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1" Átaks margfaldari

BGS Technic
Download the PDF version - for loosening stuck wheel nut sockets on trucks and vans - maximum torque 3200 Nm - gear ratio 1:56 - including 7 sockets made from chrome vanadium steel - socket sizes: 24-27-30-32-33-36-38 mm
Download the PDF version - for loosening stuck wheel nut sockets on trucks and vans - maximum torque 3200 Nm - gear ratio 1:56 - including 7 sockets made from chrome vanadium steel - socket sizes: 24-27-30-32-33-36-38 mm

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  • Verkfærahúsið
    Verkfærahúsið loftverkfæ 571 4100 Helluhrauni 14, 220 Hafnarfirði

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