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7 Protection (7iDP) - Kids Transition Elbow Pads

Designed to match the Kids Transition Knee pads, the elbow version uses the same construction method with a refined sleeve and more compact impact resting foam that hardens on impact.


Minimalist design keeps weight low and a slim profile means the Kids Transition elbow pads can easily go unnoticed under a jersey.

7 Protection (7iDP) - Kids Transition Elbow Pads

Designed to match the Kids Transition Knee pads, the elbow version uses the same construction method with a refined sleeve and more compact impact resting foam that hardens on impact.


Minimalist design keeps weight low and a slim profile means the Kids Transition elbow pads can easily go unnoticed under a jersey.


Internal silicone strips combined with a compression fit mean the pads form closely around the upper and forearm giving a consistent non-slip fit.


The breathable 4-way stretch mesh runs the full length on the inside of the pads keeping free from moisture build-up.

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  • Hobby & sport ehf 553 0015 Silfursmára 2, 201 Kópavogi

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