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ABBA - Voyage


Útgáfuár: 2021


  1. I Still Have Faith In You
  2. When You Danced With Me
  3. Little Things
  4. Dont Shut Me Down
  5. Just a Notion
  6. I Can Be That Woman
  7. Keep an Eye On Dan
  8. Bumble Bee
  9. No Doubt About It
  10. Ode To Freedom

Útgáfuár: 2021


  1. I Still Have Faith In You
  2. When You Danced With Me
  3. Little Things
  4. Dont Shut Me Down
  5. Just a Notion
  6. I Can Be That Woman
  7. Keep an Eye On Dan
  8. Bumble Bee
  9. No Doubt About It
  10. Ode To Freedom

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  • Plötubúðin
    Plötubúð 559 9220 Trönuhrauni 6, 220 Hafnarfirði

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