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Amiibo Samus and E.M.M.I. 2-Pack Set

A new Samus amiibo™ figure featuring her suit from Metroid™ Dread and an E.M.M.I. amiibo figure are available in a 2-pack set. Scan the Samus amiibo for an extra energy tank to increase your health by 100, additionally the Samus amiibo can be tapped again to receive health once per day. The E.M.M.I. amiibo grants Samus a Missile Plus tank, increasing her missile capacity by 10, additionally the…

A new Samus amiibo™ figure featuring her suit from Metroid™ Dread and an E.M.M.I. amiibo figure are available in a 2-pack set. Scan the Samus amiibo for an extra energy tank to increase your health by 100, additionally the Samus amiibo can be tapped again to receive health once per day. The E.M.M.I. amiibo grants Samus a Missile Plus tank, increasing her missile capacity by 10, additionally the E.M.M.I. amiibo can be tapped again to replenish some missiles once per day.

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