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Blood, Sweat And Tears - Child Is Father To The Man


Útgáfuár: 1968
Endurútgáfa: 2007

Útgefandi: Speakers Corner Records


  1. Overture
  2. I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know
  3. Morning Glory
  4. My Days Are Numbered
  5. Without Her
  6. Just One Smile
  7. I Can't Quit Her
  8. Meagan's Gypsy Eyes
  9. Somethin' Goin' On
  10. House In The Country
  11. The Modern Adventures Of Plato, Diogene…

Útgáfuár: 1968
Endurútgáfa: 2007

Útgefandi: Speakers Corner Records


  1. Overture
  2. I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know
  3. Morning Glory
  4. My Days Are Numbered
  5. Without Her
  6. Just One Smile
  7. I Can't Quit Her
  8. Meagan's Gypsy Eyes
  9. Somethin' Goin' On
  10. House In The Country
  11. The Modern Adventures Of Plato, Diogenes And Freud
  12. So Much Love / Underture

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  • Plötubúðin
    Plötubúð 559 9220 Trönuhrauni 6, 220 Hafnarfirði

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