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Creality K1 SE 220x220x250mm


K1 SE er háhraða prentari.

Er ódýrari útgáfa en K1C þar sem hann kemur ekki með lokum á hliðum og að ofan.
The Creality K1 SE delivers the impressive speed that the K1 series is renowned for while still keeping the printing quality intact, all at an affordable price. The printer is designed for user convenience with easy setup, hands-free auto leveling, and DIY-friendly hardware and softw…

K1 SE er háhraða prentari.

Er ódýrari útgáfa en K1C þar sem hann kemur ekki með lokum á hliðum og að ofan.
The Creality K1 SE delivers the impressive speed that the K1 series is renowned for while still keeping the printing quality intact, all at an affordable price. The printer is designed for user convenience with easy setup, hands-free auto leveling, and DIY-friendly hardware and software.


  • 600mm/s Printing Speed
  • 220 x 220 x 250 mm Build Volume
  • Hands-free Auto Leveling
  • DIY-friendly Hardware & Software
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    • 3D Verk
      3D Verk ehf 577 3020 Skútuvogi 6, 104 Reykjavík

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