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Edea spinner - Stella

The EDEA Spinner is a tool that scientifically simulates Skating Positions and Actions. It is Easy to Use and Lightweight so you can carry it with you everywhere.

The EDEA Spinner Helps to develop and train good Skating posture, balance, orientation, and control. The EDEA Spinner helps with the training and control of pressure points, balance, …

The EDEA Spinner is a tool that scientifically simulates Skating Positions and Actions. It is Easy to Use and Lightweight so you can carry it with you everywhere.

The EDEA Spinner Helps to develop and train good Skating posture, balance, orientation, and control. The EDEA Spinner helps with the training and control of pressure points, balance, and edges in the Skaters Foot, the Skaters Employed Leg and the entire Skaters Body.

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  • Pollýanna ehf. 419 3535 Smiðjuvegi 74, 200 Kópavogi

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