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Forever After


All Day Moisturizer. Triple action Anti-Wrinkle and Firming formula.
650ml brúsi sem endist svakalega lengi og er í miklu uppáhaldi hjá starfsmönnum Sælunnar.

Uniquely formulated to provide 24-hour continuous, deep moisturisation with a warm, creamy fragrance, Forever After is ideal for keeping that tan looking fresh for days longer.

All Day Moisturizer. Triple action Anti-Wrinkle and Firming formula.
650ml brúsi sem endist svakalega lengi og er í miklu uppáhaldi hjá starfsmönnum Sælunnar.

Uniquely formulated to provide 24-hour continuous, deep moisturisation with a warm, creamy fragrance, Forever After is ideal for keeping that tan looking fresh for days longer.

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  • Sólbaðsstofan Sælan
    Sælan Reykjavík 767 7764 Multiple locations

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