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Grúsk - Grúsk II - Beneath It All


Útgáfuár: 2021


  1. Decision Time
  2. Consumer World
  3. The Light Of Love
  4. Middle Of Nowhere
  5. Big Star
  6. Hope
  7. Beneath It All
  8. Never The Same
  9. So Good
  10. Á mig treyst

Útgáfuár: 2021


  1. Decision Time
  2. Consumer World
  3. The Light Of Love
  4. Middle Of Nowhere
  5. Big Star
  6. Hope
  7. Beneath It All
  8. Never The Same
  9. So Good
  10. Á mig treyst

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  • Plötubúðin
    Plötubúð 559 9220 Trönuhrauni 6, 220 Hafnarfirði

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