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Hanskar Dömu Titleist Perma-Soft


Titleist Perma-Soft eru allra vinsælustu Titleist golfhanskarnir á Íslandi undanfarin ár.

Cabretta leðurhanski með CoolMax® öndunarrönd fyrir aukin þægindi, minni líkur á svita/raka og betra snið.

Fáanlegir LH

LH vinstri hendi (rétthendur kylfingur)

- Cabretta Leather
- Offers soft, comfortable feel. Resists rain and perspiration to dry soft and r…

Titleist Perma-Soft eru allra vinsælustu Titleist golfhanskarnir á Íslandi undanfarin ár.

Cabretta leðurhanski með CoolMax® öndunarrönd fyrir aukin þægindi, minni líkur á svita/raka og betra snið.

Fáanlegir LH

LH vinstri hendi (rétthendur kylfingur)

- Cabretta Leather
- Offers soft, comfortable feel. Resists rain and perspiration to dry soft and retain gripping properties. Provides durability and value
- CoolMax & Reg; Mesh Panel
- Enhanced fit, comfort and breathability as the hand flexes.
- Sewing Construction and Seam Placement.
Precisely placed seams do not interfere with grip.
- Satin Reinforcement at Cuff and Thumb
Improves tear strength

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  • Prósjoppan 571 6133 Síðumúla 33, 108 Reykjavík

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