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Húfur - Flexfit 3D Hexagon Jersey Cap (6584)

Flexfit by Yupoong
  • Efni 100% Polyester
  • Stærð S/M 55/58cm L/XL 58/61cm
  • Kyn Unisex
  • Aldur Fullorðinn

The fine honeycomb pattern of the Flexfit 3D hexagon Jersey cap has two advantages: the hexagon structure makes the fabric extremely flexible and with its patented Flexfit technology, this cap fits even better. At the same time, the light mesh effect giv…

  • Efni 100% Polyester
  • Stærð S/M 55/58cm L/XL 58/61cm
  • Kyn Unisex
  • Aldur Fullorðinn

The fine honeycomb pattern of the Flexfit 3D hexagon Jersey cap has two advantages: the hexagon structure makes the fabric extremely flexible and with its patented Flexfit technology, this cap fits even better. At the same time, the light mesh effect gives the cap a special, sporty look.

  • 3D hexagon Jersey cap.
  • Hexagon structure.
  • Extremely flexible fabric.

Nánari upplýsingar

3D hexagon Jersey cap. Hexagon structure. Extremely flexible fabric. Fine honeycomb pattern. Light mesh effect. Patented Flexfit technology. Special, sporty look. BSCI certified. WRAP certified.

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