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Mahavishnu John McLaughlin - My Goal's Beyond (Notuð plata VG)

Notaðar plötur

Ástand vínyls: Very Good (VG)
Ástand umslags: Very Good (VG)
Útgáfuland: Netherlands
Útgefandi: Douglas,Douglas
Tónlistartegund: Jazz


Upplýsingar um útgáfuna af Discogs:


Center labels: ℗ 1971 Made in Holland. Backcover: NL Printed in Holland.

A1. Peace One 7:15
A2. Peace T…

Ástand vínyls: Very Good (VG)
Ástand umslags: Very Good (VG)
Útgáfuland: Netherlands
Útgefandi: Douglas,Douglas
Tónlistartegund: Jazz


Upplýsingar um útgáfuna af Discogs:


Center labels: ℗ 1971 Made in Holland. Backcover: NL Printed in Holland.

A1. Peace One 7:15
A2. Peace Two 12:18
B1. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat 3:15
B2. Something Spiritual 3:35
B3. Hearts And Flowers 2:05
B4. Phillip Lane 3:35
B5. Waltz For Bill Evans 2:00
B6. Follow Your Heart 3:17
B7. Song For My Mother 3:30
B8. Blue In Green 2:37

Strikanúmer og önnur auðkenni:

Matrix / Runout DCL 64537-A
Matrix / Runout DGL 64537-B
Rights Society STEMRA

Data provided by Discogs

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