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OLÍA 5W/30 FS SYNTENCE 20 lítrar

DESCRIPTION Eurol Syntence 5W-30 is a high quality product in the ‘mid saps’ engine oil range. The fully synthetic engine oil is for passenger cars and light duty commercial vehicles, equipped with soot filters. This product is especially developed for vehicles of the VAG group since 2004 and is suitable for long drain intervals related to VW 504.00/507.00. Further, the product is approved to mee…
DESCRIPTION Eurol Syntence 5W-30 is a high quality product in the ‘mid saps’ engine oil range. The fully synthetic engine oil is for passenger cars and light duty commercial vehicles, equipped with soot filters. This product is especially developed for vehicles of the VAG group since 2004 and is suitable for long drain intervals related to VW 504.00/507.00. Further, the product is approved to meet the Mercedes specification MB 229.51 and BMW LL-04. Meets ACEA C2 requirements concerning engine protection. Eurol Syntence 5W-30 is suitable for all VW-engines since 2007. This oil is not suitable for R5 and V10 engines before 2007. For these engines VW 506.01 is prescribed explicitly. Eurol Super Ultra II 0W-30 is the recommended product for this application. PERFORMANCE Approved VW 504.00 VW 507.00 MB-Approval 229.51 BMW Longlife-04 Performance level API SN ACEA C3 Porsche C30 Recommended for use Fiat 9.55535-S3 SPECIFIC VALUES Color Brown Density at 20°C 0.8504 kg/l Viscosity, kinematic at 40°C 71.2 cSt Viscosity, kinematic at 100°C 12.3 cSt Viscosity index 172 Viscosity, dynamic (CCS) 5590 cP Sulphated ash 0.67 wt% Flash point 207 °C Pour point -42 °C VAG Group samþykki BMW Group samþykki Daimler samþykki

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