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TRAXXAS Hobbyknife with 5-pack Blades


Traxxas Precision Hobby Knife

A quality hobby knife is an essential tool for any RC hobbyist's workbench. The new Traxxas Precision Hobby Knife is built as tough as our models for years of use, featuring a high quality aluminum handle and carbon steel blades. From applying decals to trimming polycarbonate bodies, this knife will be among your most useful tools.
Each hobby kni…

Traxxas Precision Hobby Knife

A quality hobby knife is an essential tool for any RC hobbyist's workbench. The new Traxxas Precision Hobby Knife is built as tough as our models for years of use, featuring a high quality aluminum handle and carbon steel blades. From applying decals to trimming polycarbonate bodies, this knife will be among your most useful tools.
Each hobby knife set includes a slip-resistant knurled aluminum handle. Designed to securely hold a variety of industry standard blades, the handle is finished with an engraved Traxxas logo.

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  • Hobby & sport ehf 553 0015 Silfursmára 2, 201 Kópavogi

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