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Vatnsheld Skiptidýna | Mozart


The Mozart changing pad literaly bends over backwards to please you and makes diaper changing an easy task.
Comfortable for your baby thanks to its waterproof lining and honeycomb texture, it is also really easy to wash.
Plus, it owns another artful thrust: a zipped pocket where you can stock baby wipes.
Light, elegant and practical, the Mozart changing pad sings in …

The Mozart changing pad literaly bends over backwards to please you and makes diaper changing an easy task.
Comfortable for your baby thanks to its waterproof lining and honeycomb texture, it is also really easy to wash.
Plus, it owns another artful thrust: a zipped pocket where you can stock baby wipes.
Light, elegant and practical, the Mozart changing pad sings in unison with the Gala and the Opera maternity bags, fitting perfectly inside, along with the Diva vanity case.

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